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"Various programming languages for" Get Excel generation components
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calculation engine 50 to support more functions, 110 functions: total +, -, *, /, =, =,, ^ (power),% (percent), & (merge), ABS, ACOS, ADDRESS, AND, ASIN , ATAN, AVERAGE, AVERAGEA, CEILING, Char, CHOOSE, CODE, column, CONCATENATE, COS, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, COUNTIF, History, DATEVALUE, DAY, DAYS360, temperature, EXP, BUL, FIXED, FLOOR, GEOMEAN, HARMEAN , HLOOKUP, TIME, IF, Index, INDIRECT, INT, INTERCEPT, INTERSECT, ISBLANK, ISERR, ISERROR, ISLOGICAL, ISNA, ISNONTEXT, ISNUMBER, ISREF, ISTEXT large, LEFT, LEN, LINEST, LN, LOG, log10, LOGEST , LOGNORMDIST, LOOKUP, ALT, MATCH, MAX, MAXAI, median, MID, MIN, MINA, MINUTE, MOD, MONTH, N, NA, NORMDIST, NORMSDIST, NOT, NOW, OFFSET, OR, percentages, POWER, radiant, RAND , SEQUENCE, CHANGE, Rept, RIGHT, CIRCLE, ROUNDDOWN, last week, ROW, SEARCH, SECOND, SIGN, SIN, SLOPE, SMALL, SQRT, STDEV, STDEVA, STDEVP, STDEVPA, SUBSTITUTE, aratoplamlarını, SUM, SUMIF, T, TAN, text, TIME, TIMEVALUE, TODAY, TYPE, UNION, UPPER, VALUE, VAR, VARA, VARS, VARPA, DÜŞEYARA, WeekDay, YEAR. Note: More than 200 functions supported by xlsgen to read / write purposes. can free download now xlsgen 2.5.
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